Military Administrative Separation (ADSEP)

Worldwide Military Defense

Military Administrative Separation (ADSEP) Defense Attorneys

Facing Military Administrative Separation?

When a military department wants to administratively separate, or “fire” an active-duty servicemember, each service has set up a system that entitles their members to due process. Military administrative separation can occur for a variety of reasons, such as failures to meet physical standards, as well as misconduct.

If you are a servicemember who has been notified that you are being involuntarily separated, no matter where you are stationed, The Hanzel Law Firm can help you fight for your career, your benefits, your retirement, and your reputation. We have helped hundreds of servicemembers of all paygrades who are facing administrative separation, we have achieved results, and we understand what it takes to win administrative separation boards.

Let our military defense attorney fight for your career and reputation by contacting us today.

Whether you warrant a Board, or whether your case will be a paper case, usually depends on what is the worst characterization of discharge the command want to give you and how many years of service you have under your belt. In some cases, such as failures to meet physical standards, such as failing a run or body-fat, no misconduct is involved, but you can still lose your job and important benefits you have worked for. In other cases, where you are accused of misconduct, you may be facing the loss of all your benefits, including retirement, the GI Bill, and the status that an Honorable Discharge gives you when searching for a new job as a civilian.

Why you should speak to us about your ADSEP Board

At The Hanzel Law Firm, we understand that each case is unique, and we can assess where the fight lies in your case, whether that is pursuing a “no-basis” vote, a retention vote, trying to maximize your discharge or retiring in-grade or at the highest pay-grade possible. We have implemented strategies to accomplish these goals for Senior Enlisted, for Junior Enlisted and for Officers.

Attorney Michael Hanzel has defended Sailors, Soldiers and Marines from a wide variety of communities, from EOD to SEALS to culinary specialists, IT specialists, aviation, medical personnel, submariners, infantry and supply folks, just to name a few. We have handled boards ranging from positive urinalysis / drug boards to assault and battery to civilian conviction boards to PFA failure boards and personal misconduct boards. At The Hanzel Law Firm, we understand the military, and we know both how to navigate the military bureaucracy to fight for you and what strategies are most likely to succeed at your board.

What an Administrative Separation Board decides:

  • Does the evidence support the basis or not (i.e. did misconduct occur)
  • Should the servicemember be retained in the service
  • If misconduct is found, what characterization of service should the servicemember receive
  • If retirement eligible, what pay-grade should the servicemember be retired in


When you are facing administrative separation and your career is on the line, call The Hanzel Law Firm at (843) 202-4714 to fight for you.

What Our work means Our Values
  • Zealous & Ethical Legal Advocacy
    After serving on active duty, Attorney Michael Hanzel has since devoted himself to standing up for fellow servicemembers.
  • Fighting for Your Constitutional Rights
    As JAG, Attorney Michael Hanzel swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. He will protect your rights and fighting for your freedom.
  • Know the Criminal Justice System Inside & Out
    Our attorneys have seen the best and worst of our justice system. They will do what it takes to navigate you through its complexities.
  • Proven Track Record as US Navy JAG
    With over a decade of experience in the military justice system, Attorney Michael Hazel has achieved outstanding results for our clients.

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